The objectives of the IPHC are to:
(a) promote international co-operation in the protection and conservation of non indigenous heritage in the Arctic and Antarctic;
(b) consult and co-operate with Arctic indigenous peoples regarding heritage of cross cultural significance;
(c) provide a forum for interchange of experience, ideas, knowledge, and the results of research between administrators, archaeologists, conservators, historians, legislators and other professionals;
(d) promote international studies and projects;
(e) expand technical co-operation by fostering links with specialised institutions.
The activities of the IPHC will be consistent with the goals and objectives of ICOMOS and the principles of the ICOMOS Scientific Council.
The activities of the IPHC may include the organisation of meetings, the preparation of publications, the gathering and dissemination of information, and any other activities aimed at achieving the objectives of this Article.
Every three years to coincide with the year of the ICOMOS General Assembly, the IPHC shall prepare a programme for the forthcoming three-year period. This programme shall be forwarded to the ICOMOS Secretariat at least three months before the date of the ICOMOS General Assembly, for incorporation into the Council s programme for the forthcoming three years. This programme shall be revised and updated as required.
The Memorandum of Understanding between SCAR and The International Polar Heritage Committee, signed 17 April 2019