Mohammad Abu Al Hasan
Associate Member – Bangladesh (September, 2023)
Scientific Associate at German Maritime Museum
Mohammad Abu Al Hasan (Bangladesh) is working as a Scientific Associate at the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven in Germany.
Hasan has a Bachelor's and Master’s in Archaeology and an MA in Heritage Conservation and Site Management from Germany and Egypt. He has worked in various museums and his research focus areas are Ancient and Medieval Numismatics, Trade and Economic History, Archaeological Sites and Museum Interpretation, Presentation, Marketing, and Public Engagement along with the questions of Authenticity and the Heritage recognition process. In the Polar Context, he is particularly interested in the Antarctic Heritage Designation Process, the Effect of Climate Change on Antarctic Heritage, Authenticity on Antarctic Heritage Context, and Archaeological Investigation in Antarctica. He is also a Heritage Photographer.
He is also currently doing his PhD research on Antarctic Heritage.
Current Research Projects / Interests
Cultural Heritage of Germany in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Region.
Antarctic Heritage Designation Process
Interpretation and Presentation of Antarctic Heritage
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Keywords: Authenticity, Interpretation and Presentation, Antarctic Heritage Designation, Antarctic Archaeology, Antarctic Museum, Public Engagement, German Antarctic Heritage, Maritime Exploration.