Anne M. Jensen

Expert Member – USA (April 2008)

General Manager & Senior Scientist – UIC Science LLC, Barrow, Alaska. Ph.D. Bryn Mawr College, Anthropology, 2009. Extensive experience in anthropology in Alaska, including ethnographic research and archaeological site surveys, mitigation, testing, and research at sites throughout Alaska. Principal Investigator at Pingusugruk, Ukkuqsi, Ipiutaq and Nuvuk on the North Slope. Publications on resource use and zooarchaeology, written dozens of professional reports. Currently the PI on NSF-funded project “Learning From the Past: Archaeology of Nuvuk” carrying out an excavation of a rapidly eroding major Thule cemetery and a newly-discovered Ipiutak habitation site at Point Barrow, Alaska. Current research on human adaptation in Arctic and subarctic environments, paleoeconomy and paleoenvironments and Traditional Knowledge of Iñupiat peoples.